SUNY Maritime College Annual Report 2020-2021

Letter from THE CHAIRS S U N Y M A R I T I M E F O U N D AT I O N

SUNY MARITIME FOUNDATION BOARD Capt. Robert Johnston ’69 Chairman President and CEO (Ret.), Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc. John M. Bree ’78 Vice Chairman Executive (Ret.), Exxon Mobil Corporation

Dear Members of the SUNY Maritime Community, For certain the 2020-2021 academic year was a challenging one. Yet it will be remembered for the outstanding flexibility and adaptability demonstrated by the Maritime College students, faculty and staff. Working together, they were able to face a difficult set of circumstances and successfully transform them into a valuable learning experience. The Board of Directors of the Foundation wants to extend a sincere thank you to the Admiral, who demonstrated exceptional leadership through it all. The faculty and staff must also be commended for instituting new protocols, ensuring the health and safety of everyone on campus, plus, devising new ways to deliver necessary educational and training programs. The students truly experienced the meaning of “One Hand” and helped each other persevere and successfully complete their studies and license requirements in ways not before envisioned. The SUNY Maritime Foundation also faced certain challenges. We reassessed priorities, placed some funding initiatives on hold and focused on how we could best support the College community through this period. So many alumni, friends and industry partners responded as well and were incredibly generous. As detailed on page 22, a total of $2.4 million was donated for academic programs, athletics, student scholarships, the waterfront and more. Because of this outpouring of support, we were able to award almost $1.6 million to students in scholarship funds and authorize the allocation of over $770,000 for high priority initiatives to progress the College’s strategic plan, “Charting a New Course.” Some specific initiatives that the Foundation made possible include: • Faculty bonus awards to empower a faculty of the future and to recognize exemplar work being done by the faculty, particularly in the areas of teaching, scholarship and service. • NCAA Division III Women’s Basketball program to enable the creation of this new athletics program for women which will assist in the recruitment and retention of female student athletes. • USCG UTB 41 foot boat refurbishing. Deck license cadets can hone their skills in small boat handling, seamanship, ship operations and navigation. The boat will also be deployed as a research platform for science faculty and students, a training vessel for the Small Vessel Operations Club and as a work boat for general use at the waterfront. • Marine Environmental Science/Data Analysis with the purchase of dedicated laptops. • Established an Investment Committee and selected a Financial Management firm to enhance management of Foundation funds previously managed by the SUNY University of Buffalo Foundation. As we come to the end of the year, we want to sincerely thank you for helping us make these initiatives possible. The Foundation is committed to expertly manage all private donations to Maritime ensuring that donors’ wishes are followed and that all funds go to support the important and ambitious goals of the strategic plan. We hope you enjoy this edition of the Annual Report and are impressed with all that was accomplished due to your support. On behalf of SUNY Maritime Foundation, we are sending you best wishes for a very happy and healthy holiday and safe and rewarding 2022! Warm regards,

William F. Austen ’80 President and CEO (Ret.) Bemis Company, Inc. Michael Chalos, Esq. ’70 Partner, Chalos & Co. P.C.

Capt. Ioannis (John) Frangos ’85, ’87 Chairman and CEO, Seaways Maritime International William C. Gallo ’70 President (Ret.), Pasternak, Baum & Company, Inc. and Columbia Grain Trading Inc. (CGTI )

Joe Maurelli ’63 President, CEO and Chairman (Ret.), Techmatics, Inc.

Capt. A.J. McAllister ’80 Senior Vice President, Sales, McAllister Towing and Transportation, Inc.

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Rear Adm. Michael Alfultis, Ph.D. President, SUNY Maritime College

Aimee Bernstein, Esq. Executive Director SUNY Maritime Foundation Scott Dieterich Vice President of Finance and Administration, SUNY Maritime College, and Treasurer, SUNY Maritime Foundation

Robert Johnston ’69 Chairman SUNY Maritime Foundation

John Bree ‘78 Vice Chairman SUNY Maritime Foundation

Annual Report 2020-2021 17

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