SUNY Maritime College Annual Report 2018-2019
A ccomplishing the goals and achieving the vision articulated in the Maritime College strategic plan requires a robust financial
A lifelong learner determined to be among the top leaders of the maritime industry, Capt. Heitmeier is pursuing a doctoral degree. Through his endowment, Capt. Heitmeier hopes to inspire others to give. “If SUNY Maritime
and thirst for knowledge is equivalent to his aspiration to give back to the College in the form of an Endowed Scholarship Fund. A native of New Orleans, LA, Capt. Heitmeier is no stranger to the water having worked both as a deck hand and
College, the Heitmeier Family Endowed Scholarship Fund, came naturally to Capt. Heitmeier. “I was taught at a young age about the importance of helping others and giving back. When there was an opportunity with SUNY Maritime College
foundation and enhanced learning platforms to support the academic Realize OUR FUTURE
programs for an industry that is evolving rapidly. Key to this has been the establishment of the SUNY Maritime Foundation and increased philanthropy with more alumni than ever before participating in numerous fundraising efforts. Alumnus Captain Cody Heitmeier ’07 (with his family and pictured right), who received a master’s degree in International Marine Transportation, takes great pride in his experience and education at Maritime College. His strong interest in the maritime industry
in a maritime office since childhood. He continued to follow his calling to become a river pilot and sought to gain skill and proficiency in the maritime industry by attending Maritime College. “I wanted to have a master’s degree from a maritime university and SUNY Maritime College had the strongest master’s program.” Armed with a graduate degree and U.S. Coast Guard license, Capt. Heitmeier went back to New Orleans as a fireboat captain. After completing an intensive one-year pilot apprenticeship program,
Capt. Heitmeier qualified as a river pilot and now protects the interest of the state of Louisiana by managing maritime risk and providing safe passage to foreign ships along the lower Mississippi River. Establishing an endowment for Maritime
The Maritime College Foundation became fully operational supporting the College in many important ways, including Foundation Board members committing to $700,000 in new donations to the College.
College helped you become successful in your career, why not give a student an opportunity to better themselves? That student may one day look back and want to help someone else.” Learn more about donor and alumni participation in the following pages.
to start an endowment, I asked myself, ‘Why would I not try to help someone who is working hard, but struggling financially?’” The endowed scholarship fund established by the Heitmeier Family will be used to provide scholarships to graduate students in the Regiment of Cadets pursuing a U.S. Coast Guard license.
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