Fort Schuyler Magazine Spring 2023

on President N ’23

incoming SGA President, he is proud of setting an example of leadership that can be followed by the next SGA President. Reddan, who was awarded a Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation at the May 2023 Commencement (and who will sit for his Unlimited Tonnage 3rd Mate U.S. Coast Guard licensure after Summer Sea Term), considers his time at Maritime College to have been a “rewarding” experience. “At times, it’s tough with everything you have to prepare for, but when it’s all done, there’s a sense of accomplishment that is rewarding. That’s exactly how I feel now.” Moving forward with his career and envisioning what is to come for Maritime College, Reddan believes students will become more involved in campus activities. And with the advent of a new training ship to arrive at the College later in the summer, he is confident students will be more knowledgeable and highly skilled to enter into the maritime industry. “We have great programs at Maritime College and we’re on a good path.”

team and we were able to create a billiards room for students, as well as a student job for students to work in the room.” SGA’s fundraising efforts led to the transformation of the Golf Club’s meeting room, which now includes a golf simulator and is regularly filled with students. “That space is now more vibrant with student activity,” he stated. In his role as SGA President, Reddan is most proud to have recruited a team of leaders who shared his vision for a vibrant student life. “We’ve created a process of how students can start clubs, and we’ve been successful at fundraising and working with other associations such as the Parent’s Association. I’m most proud of the student involvement. We spent time getting the word out to students about how to become involved in activities, and we saw many students respond by joining clubs and other activities.” He looks to future of the SGA with confidence and a sense of fulfillment. Having laid out the groundwork for the

Fort Schuyler Spring 2023 | 21

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